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Купить книгу Still Life. Hopes, Desires and Satisfactions, автора
Still Life. Hopes, Desires and Satisfactions
How adequate are our theories of globalisation for analysing the worlds we share with others? In this provocative new book, Henrietta Moore asks us to step back and re-examine in a fresh way the interconnections normally labeled 'globalisation'. Rather than beginning with abstract processes and flows, Moore starts by analyzing the hopes, desires and satisfactions of individuals in their day-to-day lives. Drawing on a wide range of examples, from African initiation rituals to Japanese anime, from sex in virtual worlds to Schubert songs, Moore develops a theory of the ethical imagination, exploring how ideas about the human subject, and its capacities for self-making and social transformation, form a basis for reconceptualizing the role and significance of culture in a global age. She shows how the ideas of social analysts and ordinary people intertwine and diverge, and argues for an ethics of engagement based on an understanding of the human need to engage with cultural problems and seek social change. This innovative and challenging book is essential reading for anyone interested in the key debates about culture and globalization in the contemporary world.
Купить книгу Living Language. An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology, автора
Living Language. An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology
Accessible and clearly written, Living Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology introduces readers to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world through the contemporary theory and practice of linguistic anthropology. A highly accessible introduction to the study of language in real-life social contexts around the world Combines classic studies on language and cutting-edge contemporary scholarship and assumes no prior knowledge in linguistics or anthropology Provides a unifying synthesis of current research and considers future directions for the field Covers key topics such as: language and gender, race, and ethnicity; language acquisition and socialization in children and adults; language death and revitalization; performance; language and thought; literacy practices; and multilingualism and globalization
Купить книгу God, Sex, and Gender. An Introduction, автора Adrian  Thatcher
God, Sex, and Gender. An Introduction
Engagingly and clearly written by a highly respected theologian, God, Sex, and Gender is the first comprehensive introduction to a theology of both sexuality and gender available in a single volume. Makes a theological contribution to understanding the unprecedented changes in sexual and gender relationships of the last fifty years Discusses many topics including: sexual difference; sexual equality; gender and power; the nature of desire; the future of marriage in Christian sexual ethics; homosexuality and same-sex unions; the problems of sexual minorities; contraception in a time of HIV/AIDS; the separation of sexual experience from marriage; and offers new arguments for marriage and for chastity Offers a consistent and engaging introduction at the cutting edge of theological inquiry, which is contemporary, undogmatic, questioning, and relevant to readers' experience, interests, and needs Written lucidly and engagingly by an established and respected academic who has published widely in this area
Купить книгу Political Oratory and Cartooning. An Ethnography of Democratic Process in Madagascar, автора Jennifer  Jackson
Political Oratory and Cartooning. An Ethnography of Democratic Process in Madagascar
Jackson traces the lively skirmishes between Madagascar’s political cartoonists and politicians whose cartooning and public oratory reveal an ever-shifting barometer of democracy in the island nation. The first anthropological study of the role of language and rhetoric in reshaping democracy Maps the dynamic relationship between formalized oratory, satire, and political change in Madagascar A fascinating analysis of the extraordinary Ciceronian features of kabary, a style of formal public oratory long abandoned in the West Documents the management by United States Democrat campaign advisors of a foreign presidential bid, unprecedented in the post-colonial era
Купить книгу On Critique. A Sociology of Emancipation, автора Luc  Boltanski
On Critique. A Sociology of Emancipation
The relationship between sociology and social critique has haunted the discipline since its origins. Does critique divert sociology from its scientific project? Or is critique the ultimate goal of sociology, without which the latter would be a futile activity disconnected from the concerns of ordinary people? This issue has underpinned two divergent theoretical orientations that can be found in the discipline today: the critical sociology that was developed in its most elaborate form by Pierre Bourdieu, and the pragmatic sociology of critique developed by Luc Boltanski and his associates. In critical sociology, description in terms of power relations underscores the potency of mechanisms of oppression, the way the oppressed passively endure them, going so far in their alienation as to adopt the values that enslave them. Pragmatic sociology, by contrast, describes the actions of human beings who rebel but who are endowed with reason. It stresses their ability, in certain historical conditions, to rise up against their domination and construct new interpretations of reality in the service of critical activity. In this major new book Boltanski develops a framework that makes it possible to reconcile these seemingly antagonistic approaches – the one determinist and assigning the leading role to the enlightening science of the sociologist, the other concerned to stick as closely as possible to what people say and do. This labour of unification leads him to rework central notions such as practice, institution, critique and, finally, ‘social reality,' all with the aim of contributing to a contemporary renewal of practices of emancipation.
Купить книгу Civilization and Science. In Conflict or Collaboration, автора
Civilization and Science. In Conflict or Collaboration
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
Купить книгу Confronting Equality. Gender, Knowledge and Global Change, автора
Confronting Equality. Gender, Knowledge and Global Change
What does social equality mean now, in a world of markets, global power and new forms of knowledge? In this new book, Raewyn Connell combines vivid research with theoretical insight and radical politics to address this question. The focus moves across gender equality struggles, family change, class and education, intellectual workers, and the global dimension of social science, to contemporary theorists of knowledge and global power, and the political dilemmas of today’s left. Written with clarity and passion, this book proposes a bold agenda for social science, and shows it in action. Raewyn Connell is known internationally for her powerfully argued and field-defining books Masculinities, Gender and Power, Making the Difference, and Southern Theory. This new volume gathers together a broad spectrum of her recent work which distinctively combines close-focus field research and large-scale theory, and brings this to bear on those questions of social justice and struggles for change that have long been at the heart of her writing, and will have wide-ranging implications for the social sciences and social activism in the twenty-first century. Visit www.raewynconnell.net
Купить книгу First Migrants. Ancient Migration in Global Perspective, автора Peter  Bellwood
First Migrants. Ancient Migration in Global Perspective
The first publication to outline the complex global story of human migration and dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory. Utilizing archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence, Peter Bellwood traces the journeys of the earliest hunter-gatherer and agriculturalist migrants as critical elements in the evolution of human lifeways. The first volume to chart global human migration and population dispersal throughout the whole of human prehistory, in all regions of the world An archaeological odyssey that details the initial spread of early humans out of Africa approximately two million years ago, through the Ice Ages, and down to the continental and island migrations of agricultural populations within the past 10,000 years Employs archaeological, linguistic and biological evidence to demonstrate how migration has always been a vital and complex element in explaining the evolution of the human species Outlines how significant migrations have affected population diversity in every region of the world Clarifies the importance of the development of agriculture as a migratory imperative in later prehistory Fully referenced with detailed maps throughout
Купить книгу Infoteadused teoorias ja praktikas, автора Sirje Virkus, Aira Lepik, Elviire Uverskaja, Tiiu  Laurits
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Infoteadused teoorias ja praktikas
Tehnilise vea tõttu on autorite nimed andmete all hetkel valesti. Palume vabandust ja tegeleme vea parandamisega. Õige autorite loetelu: Sirje Virkus, Aira Lepik, Elviine Uverskaja, Tiiu Reimo, Silvi Metsar, Raivo Ruusalepp, Aile Möldre ja Merle LauritsToimetanud Sirje Virkus, Tiiu Reimo ja Aira LepikEsimene eestikeelne infoteaduse kõrgkooliõpik on valminud eesmärgiga käsitleda infoteaduse olulisemaid teemavaldkondi ja luua kontekst infoteaduste mõistmiseks. Õpik loob üldise arusaama infoteadusest ning selle kasutajad saavad oma teadmisi süvendada viiteallikate ja lisamaterjalide läbitöötamise käigus, esitatud mõisted aitavad kaasa eestikeelse erialase terminoloogia ühtlustumisele.„Infoteadused teoorias ja praktikas“ koosneb kolmest osast. Raamatu esimene osa avab sellised põhimõisted nagu andmed, informatsioon, teadmised, teadmus, vaike- ja väljendatud teadmus, infokäitumine, info hankimine, infootsing ja info kasutamine, infovajadus, infopädevus, infojuhtimine, teadmusjuhtimine, teadmusringlus ning infoühiskond, teadmistepõhine ühiskond, infopoliitika ja infostrateegia.Teise osa viis peatükki selgitavad infoteaduse olemust ja kujunemist, infokäitumise, info hankimise ja infootsingu ning infopädevuse teooriaid, mudeleid ja käsitlusi, teadmusjuhtimise käsitlusi, infotegevuse tulemuslikkuse hindamise mudeleid ja tutvustavad mõningaid tänapäeval aktuaalseid uurimissuundi.Kolmas osa selgitab, kuidas organiseeritakse inforessursse, korraldatakse infoteenindust, analüüsitakse ja hinnatakse infotegevust ning rakendatakse info- ja teadmusjuhtimist. Õpiku viimane peatükk on pühendatud infoteaduse koolitusele ning erialaste rahvusvaheliste ühenduste tegevuse tutvustamisele.„Infoteadused teoorias ja praktikas“ on mõeldud nii infoteaduse ning info- ja teadmusjuhtimise eriala üliõpilastele kui ka infospetsialistidele, raamatukogutöötajatele, infotehnoloogidele ja kõigile teistele, kes on huvitatud infoteaduse arengust, teooriast ja praktikast.
Купить книгу Исторические судьбы женщин, автора Серафима Шашкова
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Исторические судьбы женщин
Книга Серафима Серафимовича Шашкова (1841–1882), публициста, этнографа и историка, посвящена теме эмансипации женщин. На основании многочисленных источников автор делает исторический обзор вглубь веков, показывающий угнетенное состояние женщин со времен становления патриархального общества и до конца XIX века. Другие немаловажные проблемы, поднятые историком в сочинении, – это детоубийство и проституция, которые, по мнению Шашкова, являются печальными следствиями этого явления.
Купить книгу Элитные группы традиционных обществ, автора С. В. Волкова
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Элитные группы традиционных обществ
В книге рассматривается структура и номенклатура элитных социальных групп в различных традиционных (до начала ХХ в.) обществах Востока и Запада. Затрагиваются такие вопросы, как правовое обособление элитных групп, их численность и удельный вес в населении, порядок их комплектования и уровень самовоспроизводства. Рассмотрена также взаимосвязь традиционных сословных и новых функциональных (офицерства, чиновничества, неслужилой интеллигенции) элитных групп при разложении традиционных обществ в Европе в XVIII–XIX вв.
Купить книгу Население России 2015. Двадцатый третий ежегодный демографический доклад, автора Коллектива авторов
Население России 2015. Двадцатый третий ежегодный демографический доклад
Двадцать третий выпуск серии ежегодных аналитических докладов Института демографии НИУ ВШЭ, которые регулярно публикуются с 1993 г. В очередном докладе продолжен углубленный анализ текущей демографической ситуации в России в контексте социально-демографической политики и на фоне ее долговременной эволюции в разрезе основанных демографических процессов – брачности, рождаемости, планирования семьи, смертности, международной и внутрироссийской миграции, изменения численности и возрастной структуры населения страны. Анализ базируется на официальных данных Федеральной службы государственной статистики (Росстата), министерств и ведомств Российской Федерации, международных организаций и национальных статистических служб зарубежных стран, собственных расчетных показателях, полученных с использованием этих данных, результатах специальных выборочных исследований, материалах научных публикаций.